How is Heart Valve Repaired with Surgical Method ?

Our body has four heart valves. The main function of these valves is to let the blood flow uni-directionally. Two of these valves are atrioventricular – mitral and tricuspid which are located between the upper chambers and lower chambers and two of them are semilunar ones – aortic and pulmonary which are in the arteries leaving the heart. But there are some conditions that doesn’t let one of the heart valves function properly. This means that blood won’t be able to flow properly. To get rid of this condition, there is need of heart valve repair surgery in India . Normally, these flaps open and close once during each heartbeat. But when this does not happen, there is there is disruption of blood flow through the heart to the body. This procedure is done to treat heart valve diseases. This surgery is needed if your condition is getting worse or not being resolved with the help of conservative methods. In some cases, there is need of surgery even when there are no symptoms experie...