Taking Care of Diseases of Ear, Neck and Throat
There are different medical specialties to treat different parts of our body. For example – we have orthopedics to take care of our joints, cardiology to take care of our heart and oncology for cancer related issues. Similarly, there is a separate department for taking care of our ear, nose and throat. The sub specialty that deals with the conditions of our Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT), is known as Otorhinolaryngology. The treatment is sought by the patients for diseases of ear, nose, throat, base of the skull and for surgical management of cancers and benign tumors of the head and neck. Eternal is the best hospital for ENT treatment in Rajasthan.
Here, treatment of ear, nose and throat conditions in adults and children along with the problems in hearing and deafness, ringing in the ears, cancers of ENT are treated. The hospital makes sure to use the latest technologies in this field and keeps updating their team for the same. They have one of the finest ENT specialists in Jaipur.
ENT specialist is consulted when you have infections that affect the structures of the ears, nose and throat, malignant as well as benign tumors of ears, nose, throat and the neck. They also take care of obstructive sleep apnea and allergies including asthma and rhinitis. We have different diagnostic measure to detect any problem –
1. Pure Tone Audiogram – it is a test which is done to identify hearing threshold levels of an individual to determine the degree and type of the hearing loss.
2. BERA – Brain Evoked Response Audiometry is an objective test to understand the transmission of electrical waves from the VIIIth cranial nerve to the brainstem in responds to click sounds given through the ear.
3. Nasal Endoscopy – it is done to diagnose nasal mucosa, sinonasal anatomy and nasal pathology. It consists of thin rigid tubes with fiber optic cables which bring in the light.
Eternal is an ear, nose and throat treatment hospital in Jaipur where experts specialize in performing Cochlear Implant (CI) surgeries on patients who are profoundly deaf or hard of hearing. They are primarily designed to mimic natural hearing. They have a sound processor that is placed on the outside of the skin. There is a coil present which helps in receiving the signals.
Eternal Heart Care Centre
3 A Jagatpura Road, Near Jawahar Circle, Jaipur-302017, Rajasthan
CALL US: 0141-5174000 or 18001213422(Toll free)
Dr Nishtha Singh is one of the Top Sleep Apnea specialist in JaipurShe have a large years of Experience with various successful cases.
ReplyDeleteE.N.T. (ear, nose and throat) are very sensible and important parts of human body. Sensory organs ear and nose helps in hearing, body balance and smell whereas throat’s main function is to take food and fluid to the esophagus.
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Best ENT Hospital in Jaipur