All you need to know about ventricular septal defect

Ventricular septal defect is basically a commonly found heart condition which is congenital which means it is present at birth. In this condition the Infant is born with a hole in the heart that usually occurs in the wall that separates the lower chambers of the heart which are the ventricles. Due to VSD the blood flow through the heart and the lungs changes. In this the oxygen rich blood gets pumped back to the lungs this also causes increase in blood pressure in the lungs that requires the heart to work harder in order to pump the blood. VSD can be minor or measured depending upon the size of the whole in many cases small VSD it closes on its own naturally, with time. Whereas medium or large VSD require immediate surgery in order to prevent any major complication or life threatening condition. Symptoms: The symptoms usually depend upon the extent of the heart problem which means the size of the hole that is present in the heart. It is possible that in cases of small VSD one...