Role of anesthesiology in healthcare

An anaesthesiologist is basically a doctor who specializes in providing anesthesia during the surgical procedures. It is necessary to know the exact amount of anesthesia which is to be given so that it does not cause any harm to the patient. As any fluctuation in the amount of anesthesia given to the patient might be life-threatening for the patient. Therefore, the doctor usually requires an expert anaesthesiologist during the surgical procedure and they themselves also do not handle anesthesia. Anesthesia is basically a medical treatment that is required during surgical procedures so that the patient does not feel any pain from the surgery. These anesthetics block the pain and help the patients during the surgery as they do not feel the pain. There are several different types of anesthesia that are used in different ways based upon the requirement of the patient. A few anesthesia work by numbing certain parts of the body while others numb the brain in order to induce sleep whi...