Keep Your Heart Fit at Forty with These Tips, Expert Says

Heart disease has become the leading cause of death worldwide. As you age, your chances of getting heart disease also increase. Your heart becomes stiffer and does not beat as quickly as it used to. The arteries that carry blood from your heart to your body become stiffer and potentially raise your blood pressure. And to curb the chances of getting heart disease, you must take special care of it. In this article, we’ve discussed a few tips to keep your heart young. Our cardiac specialist in Jaipur has helped us with the same. ● Lead an active lifestyle: Physical activity is essential for good health. Start doing aerobic or strength training exercises to help you lose weight. It is advised to engage in aerobic activity such as brisk walking or jogging for at least 150 minutes per week. Similarly, strength training exercises should be done at least twice a week. Before beginning any fitness regimen, it is recommended that you c...