How to Soothe Your Child's Stomach-ache

We understand that your child's upset tummy might cause you to worry. It is best to know why it is paining and know the source of the pain. When your child can't tell you where it is paining, it is best to take your child to the best paediatric hospital in Jaipur for the treatment. Symptoms If your child has got a stomach ache, they will show one or more of these signs such as: Acts fussy or grumpy Doesn't sleep or eat Cries more than usual Diarrhoea Vomiting Trouble being still Makes faces that show discomfort Usually, for kids, stomach ache are common, and hence, they are not caused by anything serious. Though they can be painful and may not be serious, it is better to have soothing strategies on hand. Causes Stomach ache in children can happen for a variety of reasons: Colic Colic is usually the main cause of stomach ache in babies. Your baby might be having colic if they: Cries more in the evening or late afternoon Cries for at least 3 hours While crying, pu...