Weight Loss Surgery- Types, Approach And Myths

Overflowing with a lot of questions? It is obvious that when considering bariatric or weight loss surgery, or any surgical procedure, it is normal to have concerns about your safety. Here, it becomes imperative to understand both the potential risk and advantages of weight loss surgery. What after weight loss surgery? With the advancement of technologies and use of the latest surgical equipment, weight loss surgery is considered among the safest surgical procedure. However, there are two different procedures which are most commonly used i.e. Vertical sleeve gastrectomy and roux -en-y gastric bypass procedures. These uses a laparoscopic surgery approach to reduce the risks of complications. Types of weight loss surgery; · Vertical sleeve gastrectomy This procedure reduces your stomach size to three or four ounces. The surgery limits the amount of food you can eat to help you lose weight. Also, levels of ghre...