
Showing posts from June, 2019

Can I Correct My Child's Lisp at Home?

Often at a very tender age, lisp may sound cute or adorable, but later on, it can trigger embarrassing situations both for you and your child. Lisp technically means one’s inability to accurately pronounce the “s” and “z” sounds, for instance, when pronouncing soup, it may sound as “ thoup .” Medically, it is referred to as a Functional Speech Disorder. It is certainly a result of poor tongue placement in the mouth resulting in sound distortion. Well, if not tackled shortly, it may become a matter of concern. The top speech therapists in Jaipur suggested close monitoring of children should be done as it majorly happens in preschool age groups. Moreover, this should be treated with intense generosity and sensitivity without causing the child’s sentiments to get hurt.   According to the finest speech therapists, there are two kinds of lisp:- • Frontal protrusion lisps: It is most commonly observed in children and is also known as an  interdentally ...

What is the cost of the IVF procedure in India?

About IVF IVF or In vitro fertilization is a medical procedure that aims at helping childless couples by giving them a chance at parenthood. The procedure is very simple and has literally no side effects. Infertility is a problem that can affect anybody. It refers to the inability to conceive a child even after a year of unprotected sex. The problem can affect either of the two partners. During the procedure, healthy gametes taken from both the partners are combined manually and the process of fertilization is allowed to take place. You can find one of the best IVF Hospitals in Rajasthan. Procedure involved The team of specialists at the best gynaecology hospital in India resort to the use of cutting edge technology to offer IVF treatment that is at par with excellence. During the procedure sperms taken from the male partner are manually combined with eggs taken from the female in a test tube or culture dish and the process of fertilization is allowed to take place which...