How do I Know If My Child Needs a Speech Therapist ?

Speech therapy is essentially a treatment procedure provided to very young children in order to help them to improve their speech. The main idea of this procedure is to help in the development of a child's language. Speech therapy also helps in improving the ability of a child to understand and express their feelings verbally as well as also helps in the development of the nonverbal language. The doctor who specialises in a speech therapy is known as a speech therapist. Various ENT specialists in Jaipur provide this facility. The therapy involves two main techniques or components i.e.(a) The coordination of the mouth to produce sounds for the formation of words and sentences and (b) the understanding and expression of the language using pictures as well as sign forms. A child usually start speaking between the age group of 18 to 24 months but many children are not able to develop speaking skills even when they cross this age gap. There can be many reasons behind this. Speec...